Monday, 19 July 2010

Death Eater Smoke Test II

This is the second attemp of the Death Eater effect! 4 million particles simulated. Used wedge ROP , 8 steps of 1 million particles each, bout 2 mins per frame and then rendered with mantra!

I doubled the particles and took it to 8 millions and made it thicker at the beginning. The colours are just 2 animated spot lights with shadow maps in mantra! This is the result:

Friday, 16 July 2010

Death Eater Smoke Test I

This is the first attemp of the Death Eater effect! 1 million particles simulated. Used wedge ROP , 5 steps of 250 000 particles each, bout 5 mins per frame and then rendered with mantra!

Death Eater Smoke Apparition/ Disapparition Effect

Love this effect! Just love it! So I will start experimenting with different methods in Houdini and try to came up with a solutions that simulates the same effect of the Death Eaters apparition! Here are some samples i found online of the movie:

Saturday, 3 July 2010

First Rendering Project with Houdini Mantra

My first Houdini project using Mantra! I found this renderer to be really powerfull and has a lot of potential for production renders! The first image is the results of the tutorial i was doing from cmiVFX. The rest are alterations on the shaders and lights to get different results and moods for the scene! Each render took about 2 hours with Raytrace and Indirect Illumination.

VFX Compositing

This is 2 VFX compositing assignments i did for my second year of Swansea Metropolitan University! The first one it was a greenscreen shot (terrible greenscreen) and had to model the street, texture it , light it and then composite everything together

VFX Breakdown of First Compositing Assignment from Valentinos Demetriou on Vimeo.

The second one was a still image and i had to create a 3d version of the building and project the image on the 3d geometry. The explosion and debris were created using 3d maya dynamics. The rest was done in Nuke using 3d camera projections!

Swansea BT Explosion VFX Breakdown from Valentinos Demetriou on Vimeo.